报价 | 参考报价表或询价客服 |
区域 | 广州、深圳 |
船期 | 出货前确认 |
航程 | 17天(23-25天清关派送) |
运费说明 | 以上价格含海运费,报关费,文件费,清关费,比例为1:500,最低起运1CBM,单件重量不超过200KG,最长边不超过2米; |
关税说明 | 以上价格含送货费和目的港关税增值税 |
派送要求 | 含派送,不含偏远费,如需派送,提供详细地址和邮编单票确认 |
文件要求 | 需提供booking和装箱单发票,真正的发货人/收货人的公司名(如果是私人件,需要人名,身份证号)/地址/邮编/电话/联系人 |
备注 | 双清不含保险,保险资费另询;报价不含税票费用; |
印尼海运双清包税 |
备注:雅加达市区免费派送,雅加达市区外的请给详细地址邮编号再报派送费 Remarks: Free delivery in Jakarta city, outside of Jakarta city, please give the full address post code re-delivery fee |
客户须知(Customer Information): 1.单票最低消费1CBM,1CBM=500KG(Single ticket minimum consumption 1CBM, 1CBM=500KG) 2.发货人一定要提供详细的中文装箱单(包含单件货物明细,重量,尺寸,货值),形式发票; (The consigner must provide detailed Chinese packing list (including single item details, weight, size, value), proforma invoice) 3.超重的计算方法:实际重量/500KG或600KG=计费立方数;(Overweight calculation method: actual weight / 500KG or 600KG = billing cube number;) 4.长/宽/高单边超过2米 或者单件超过1.5吨目的港派送费需另外确认 (The length/width/height of one side exceeds 2 meters or the single port exceeds 1.5 tons of destination port delivery fee.) 5.易碎品要求必须打木架/木箱;运输途中破损不赔;如果商品发生丢失,外包装完好不赔; (Fragile goods must be hit with a wooden frame/wooden case; damages are not paid in transit; if the goods are lost, the outer package is in good condition without compensation;) 6.交我司商品,商品外包装必须有唛头,如果没有唛头号,一仓库会拒绝收货、二发生混乱、丢货等,我司概不负责 (The company’s merchandise must be presented with a gimmick.If there is no head number, a warehouse will refuse to receive goods, chaos, lost goods, etc. Our company is not responsible for) 7.派送只到楼下,不上楼;如需要送货司机送上楼或者搬进仓库请收货人自行与司机协商。 (Delivery only to the downstairs, do not go upstairs; if you need delivery driver to go upstairs or move into the warehouse please consignee to negotiate with the driver) 8.如因客人少报瞒报货物价值而被海关查柜,所产生的责任与费用需由发货人承担。 (If the customer checks the counter due to understatement of the value of the goods, the responsibility and costs incurred shall be borne by the consignor.) 9.仓库收货只对外包装检查,如外包装没问题,包装内概不负责。易碎品破碎本司概不负责。 (The receipt of the warehouse is only for external packaging inspection. If there is no problem with the packaging, the packaging will not be responsible. Fragile crushing division is not responsible for) 10.如货物里面敏感货与普通货夹杂一起,则整票当敏感货收费 (If the sensitive goods in the goods are mixed with ordinary goods, the whole ticket will be charged as sensitive goods.) 11.接有单证货物,开发票(Cargo documents, invoices ) 12.电池货物需要有msds证明 化工品需要有详细的成分报告(Battery goods need msds certification Chemicals need detailed composition report)
4、提供 欧 美 南美 非洲 东南亚等国家口罩、额温枪、防护服、洗手液、测试盒、口罩机等产品的出口,提供上门取货发货,双清到门。
详情最新关税数据和最新海陆空报价请联系 严先生Peter 微信/TEL:13723717060 QQ:601768840